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I didn't know cheetahs meow I've always thought they roar my whole life has been a lie pic.twitter.com/Zbo8bDVTS6
— ? (@hoewever) June 24, 2017
A couple of really beautiful but hungry cheetahs meowed and purred in anticipation being fed, much in the same manner as domestic cats in the same situation. This came as a surprise to Twitter user hoewever.
I didn't know cheetahs meow I've always thought they roar my whole life has been a lie pic.twitter.com/Zbo8bDVTS6
— ? (@hoewever) June 24, 2017
Cheetahs are, in fact, known for the variety of sounds they make. Along with meows, purrs and roars, cheetahs can also chirp.
Everybody knows that lions roar, but what noise do cheetahs make? They have a range of noises, from growls to purrs, but the most distinctive is a bird-like cheep, technically known as a chirrup. This will be made when a mother is communicating to its young or when excited.
- The Trommelwähler, A Vintage Telephone With a Unique Vertical Dialing Mechanism
- A Curious Wild Cheetah Jumps Into a Vehicle Surprising the Tourist Waiting Inside
- Photographer Documents Wild Cheetah’s Personal Visit To Their Safari Vehicle In the Serengeti
The post Two Vociferous Cheetahs Meow and Purr Just Like Domestic Cats While Waiting to Be Fed appeared first on Laughing Squid.