Technical & WWII Records

- Niels Bohr meets in Princeton warning scientist community about the first fission of Uranium core by germans.
- Einstein writes Roosevelt encouraging him to start Nuclear investigations in the path to create innovative weapons.
- March, Nazis takes Czechoslovakia (Uranium Mines).
- September, Nazis takes Poland. WWII has begun.

- England have a very advanced Nuclear investigation laboratory in Cambridge. And decides collaborate with EEUU, delivering MAUD Dossier, to win the Nuclear Race to Germany and War probably.
- Belgium and France fall down in three weeks by Germans (Wehrmacht).

The conclusion:
A big Uranium Bomb (20K) = 1800 Tn of TNT
Big Radiation

Long Time

Massive deaths

Dead Land

Great Idea!
Military-Industrial Complex
& Manhattan Project
Some industrial groups called:

- Name: Richland, Hanford Engineering Works
- Location: Hanford, Washington.
- Type: Plutonium Plant.
- Group: Dupont.

- Name: Oak Ride, Clinton Engineering Works
- Location: Oak Ride, Tennessee.
- Type: Uranium-235 Plant.
- Group: Monsanto & General Electric.
Installations Map of Manhattan Project
Pioneers / Los Alamos

Vannevar Bush
The Political

Col. Leslie Groves
The Militar

Robert Oppenheimer
The Scientist
- Allies meet in Quebec, Great Britain and Canada join the Americans in their Nuclear Program
- Canada have important Uranium mines. Will provide 4,000 Tns. of material until 1946.
- War winds changes, exhausted by the raw winter, germans lose against the Russian Army in Stalingrado.

- Roosevelt and Churchill meets in Hide Park, New York.
- The question: Warn the world about the power of the Nuclear Bomb? Talking about moral & ethical procedure.
- Americans know the German Nuclear Program was abandoned two years before.
- The soviets occupy Poland.
- Americans takes Normandy and Sicily.
- In the Pacific the US Army takes Saipan, Filippines, getting close to Japan.

Potsdam Conference
- April 12, Roosevelt dies. His successor: the Senator Harry Truman.
- Truman don't know the atomic heritage he are receiving from Roosevelt, he understand soon the great decision waiting on his political agenda.
- Iwo Jima and Okinawa are conquered by the American Army
- May, Berlin falls. Germany surrenders.

The Great Bussines of War
The Bombs

- CodeName: Little Boy
- Design: Los Alamos Lab. (Project Y)
- Weight: 9,700 pounds (4,400 kg)
- Lenght: 10 feet (3.0 m)
- Diameter: 28 inches (71 cm)
- Filling: Uranium-235
- Bombing Date: August 6, 1945
- Casualties: 135,000
- Target: Hiroshima

- CodeName: Fat Man
- Design: Los Alamos Lab. (Project Y)
- Weight: 10,300 pounds (4,670 kg)
- Lenght: 128 inches (3.3 m)
- Diameter: 60 inches (1.5 m)
- Filling: Plutonium
- Bombing Date: August 9, 1945
- Casualties: 64,000
- Target: Nagasaki
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
August 6, 1945

