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“En Cascade” (2023). All images © Pinaffo & Puvinage, shared with permission

Marion Pinaffo and Raphaël Pluvinage, a.k.a. Pinaffo & Pluvinage, have worked together since 2015, fascinated by the physics, mechanics, and even pyrotechnics of our ever-evolving technologies. During 2023, the pair produced three major projects exploring ephemeral interactions and shifting textures. “If we were to find a common thread among the three major projects… it would be soft, blurry, and challenging-to-control materials: smoke, sand, fabric,” the duo tells Colossal. “Each time, there is a play in mastering and manipulating these materials.”

Each piece begins with lengthy experimentation in the studio, toying with different substances and allowing trial and error to guide the process. “We spend a significant amount of time—several weeks—playing with the material we are working with, trying to discover interactions that are fascinating or surprising,” the artists say. They explore ways to surprise and delight the viewer, becoming what they describe as “specialists” in the interplay of materials..,


The article Site-Specific Kinetic Installations by Pinaffo & Pluvinage Channel Modest Materials Into Ephemeral Experiences appeared first on Colossal.

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