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In 2010, the newly established Common Core State Standards program, which outlines skills and knowledge students should acquire between kindergarten and high school, did not include cursive in its English requirements. As a result, many young people can no longer read or write in cursive. But if you can—or are willing to learn—a wealth of historical documents await you in the U.S. National Archives.

The federal organization’s Citizen Archivist program is recruiting volunteers to help transcribe thousands of documents in its collection. Records in need of review are categorized into “missions,” like paperwork relating to women in the First World War or submarine patrol reports during the Second World War.

an excerpt in cursive handwriting of an application for a Revolutionary War soldier named James Lucas
An excerpt of a Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application for James Lucas, Virginia. Image courtesy of the National Archives

The article Practice Your Cursive as a Citizen Archivist and Preserve Thousands of Historic Documents appeared first on Colossal.

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