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Just Kidding: Everything is Fine
As a time of huge technological and social change unfolds around us, the overarching culture we encounter in daily life has begun to bear the signs. Observing this change within the landscape of New York City, director Jared Malik Royal satirizes the increasingly bizarre behaviors that have emerged as a means of survival in short film Everything is Fine.
Set on a New York subway platform, Everything is Fine explores the daily bombardment we face in urban settings and the online sphere, and the sense of paralysis that grows from overstimulation. Structured around events Royal found himself witness to across the city, a young woman encounters a series of strange happenings, navigating information overload through peculiar business ventures and forms of entertainment.
As metaphors for the wider issues we face in the contemporary world, these isolated events compound a growing source of concern, in a city where rising costs have given way to madcap schemes and new relationship dynamics alter our experience. Going inside our inherent need to drown out the noise and the sense of detachment that follows, Royal challenges viewers to reassess how they see the world that plays out around them, while seeking to find humor in the darkness.
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