While the Apocalypse – Blog

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George Wylesol is a Baltimore-based artist who primarily produces illustrations and comic-like sequences of drawings, often accompanied by written text in the form of short poems. His works blend mundane objects and settings with surreal plots and visual associations, resulting in poetic yet slightly disturbing scenarios. The meticulous attention to everyday objects translates into a celebration of found artefacts, revealing glimpses of past lives and obsolete technologies, abandoned houses, and empty corridors, sparsely populated by uncanny human figures.

The sequences and comics celebrate a world of fragments drawn from the contemporary visual universe, where internet windows, advertisements, fancy packaging, and soulless spaces constantly superimpose, creating an endless interplay of different visual codes that Wylesol fearlessly confronts. The alternating use of different techniques—riso printing, photocopies, handmade drawings, digital sketching—further amplifies this sensation of collage borrowed from the contemporary visual landscape. This landscape is dominated by a superposition of languages, necessitating a multiplicity of media and codes to be portrayed, inspiring a surrealistic reading of reality.

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