While the Apocalypse – Blog

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In short film Architecte, French filmmaker Charlotte Dauphin engages in the nuances of sensitivity only present in intimate exchanges through a woman’s attempt to bury her grief and uncertainty in the restructuring of her home. As she pushes to complete the construction of her house, despite her spouse’s recent suicide, the woman finds herself in a cycle of questioning about her identity, and that of the architect, in turn engaging in a perilous game with death.

Positioning the audience as bystanders to a mysterious phone conversation, Dauphin offers a one-sided view into recent events in the woman’s life, touching upon her spouse’s untimely death, and her experience of breast cancer. While she appears unnaturally cold and unshaken, the dialogue and Dauphin’s performance reveal her hidden emotional fragility, becoming lost in the construction, and all the project symbolizes, as she wanders through the house.

Growing increasingly absorbed in the absurdity of her existence, Architecte reveals the sense of doubt the woman succumbs to in her attempt to isolate her public and personal worlds – and the danger she confronts as a result.


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